So yay new Empire book and what a book, I think. Mine hasn't arrived yet. I put a big advanced order in and JUST missed the cut off date for release day delivery (to store). But thanks to the internetz I have been able to pick up a few things amongst the whining that the book got "Cruddified".
So How the New Book Affects Me:
1) what I have that is now "useless":
For starters Mortars are now meh to say the least. I never used them, so no change here for me. The Rocket battery on the other hand is a bit of a blow. But that's ok as well as I was getting a little bored of the gunline style anyway.
Infantry getting more pricy...Here is my delimma: I can easily convert a unit of halberds into spears (cut off the blade haha), but is the halberd bus the better option? I will really need to read the mage taxi/prayers/choose lore carefully to see if spears are the better option. If Free Company now have la...maybe they are the best. All I do know is that my 30 swords will continue to be left on the shelf-especially now that they have lost i4.
Flagellants....anybody want some? going cheap... These guys are out for the time being. Maybe when Dark Elves get brought back into line with everyone else they will see the light of day. Til then, watch this space
2) Things I now have that are cool
I have lots of knights-most of which have really bad paint jobs. So yay that knights are cool (esp that Inner Circle are core woot!-totally going to put together some blazing Suns Knights with the command bitz), but boo that I have to salvage my current crap. oh well
I have 2 Hell blasters! Now that they have less chance of blowing up than cannons (still keeping 2 in list) and can get bs4 from engineer = I expect to have at least 1 in my lists...possibly 2 if can fit it all in! I've always loved the hellblaster and it is a perfect counter to monsterous infantry/calv and armoured scary stuff (hello mournfangs/necro knights/WoC everything).
I have yet to have an opinion of the stank. It seems to do less-but need to see the malfunction chart. I have just got a plastic one, so shame not to use it. in teh "maybe" box.
I have ordered 1 mage taxi, and 2 boxes of demi griffons + the new waralter (cos it looks cool). Thinking I might need 2nd mage taxi and 3rd box of chicken riders to get 2x4 awesomeness.
Potential lists:
Well, Yet to see the character choices clearly, but it is becoming apparent that my lists will look something like:
(characters-lvl4, BSB, 1 or 2 engineers, Alector possibly on waralter if can fit it in)
Bus of state troops
10 xbows (still need to clear chaff and hide mages)
10-12 ICknights and that steel standard thing that every list on net has
2 cannons
2x4 demigriffons-one with flame banner (16 s5 flaming attacks of anti HPA/Hydra/flank of trolls)
hurricane taxi
Hellblaster or 2 if no stank
lazer gun/stank
SO yeah-that's my initial thoughts. A cool book that hasn't had the internetz hate that the tombkings had.
At mo I'm too distracted by my Horned Gobbo woodies list (yes, you read right) and my dragon High Elf list to think/paint Empire anyway.
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